South Sudan Jobs Opportunities 2013 Tx68

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The findings, published in Nature, likewise challenge the standard chronology which assumes the red planet's rivers were formed after the Tharsis dome. Most of these ancient waterways would have flowed from the cratered highlands of the southern hemisphere to the low plains of the north even without the massive lava fields, the study concluded. "But there are still a lot of unanswered questions, " said Bouley. "Did the tilt cause the magnetic fields to shut down? Did it contribute to the disappearance of Mars's atmosphere, or cause the rivers to stop flowing? These are things we don't know yet. "

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A volcano-dotted region on Mars half the size of France spewed so much lava 3. 5 billion years ago that the weight of it displaced the red planet's outer layers, according to a study released on Wednesday. The findings mean the original north and south poles have moved, and explain the unexpected location of dry river beds and underground reservoirs of water ice, as well as other Martian mysteries, lead researcher Sylvain Bouley said. "If a similar shift happened on Earth, Paris would be in the polar circle, " said Bouley, a geomorphologist at Université Paris-Sud. "We'd see northern lights in France, and wine grapes would be grown in Sudan. " The volcanic upheaval, which lasted a couple of hundred million years, tilted the surface of Mars 20 to 25 degrees, according to the study. The lava flow created a plateau called the Tharsis dome more than 5, 000 square kilometres (2, 000 square miles) wide and 12km (7. 5m) thick on a planet half the diameter of Earth. "The Tharsis dome is enormous, especially in relation to the size of Mars.

Symbolic image of a person holding back the Twitter bird. Image is for representational purpose. Twitter and Facebook lit up this weekend when pranksters reported that an asteroid was hurtling toward France, prompting a humourless denial on the website of a national radio station. AFP Last Updated: February 16, 2016, 08:35 IST FOLLOW US ON: Paris: Twitter and Facebook lit up this weekend when pranksters reported that an asteroid was hurtling toward France, prompting a humourless denial Monday on the website of a national radio station. A house-sized rock was on track to crash into the southern city of Marseille on March 5, the fake reports, in French, said in widely-circulated tweets. The French government and NASA -- abetted by the media -- were trying to hide the bad news from the public to avoid panic, the authors of the tweets claimed. Like much spurious news circulating on social networks, these false reports contained a grain of truth. Earlier this month, NASA's Center for Near Earth Objects Studies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced that an asteroid about 100 feet across (30 metres) named TX68 would pass by our planet on the appointed day, perhaps as close as 11, 000 miles (17, 000 kilometres).

Had Trump followed the playbook, the government would have begun an effort to procure personal protective equipment (PPE) at least two months ago. Revealingly, administration officials wasted no time protecting themselves: Remember when then-acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told CPAC attendees that the media was exaggerating the threat of COVID-19 because "they think this will bring down the president"? He had ALREADY TAKEN A CORONAVIRUS TEST. Then he was abruptly removed from his job and we never learned the real reason why. More Americans are suddenly out of work than at any time in history, and the Trump administration thinks it can solve the economic crisis by allowing a deadly virus to continue spreading rapidly. It can't be repeated often enough that Republicans had the chance to remove Trump from office before he did this much damage, and all but one declined. There should be no coming back from that. Look No Further Than The Crooked Media On today's Hysteria: Erin Ryan and Alyssa Mastromonaco go in on GOP fuckery and the Senate's new COVID-19 aid package with Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono.

But here's the kicker: the TX68 will approach Earth again in 2017, and this time -- according to NASA -- there's a one-in-250, 000, 000 chance of a violent rendezvous. However, the possibility is "far too small to be of any real concern, " NASA said reassuringly.

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On an astronomical scale, that's a close shave. But there was absolutely no possibility, the US government scientists said, of an impact with mothership Earth. In fact, the asteroid was just as likely to fly by more than nine million miles (14 million kilometres) away. According to French radio station France Info, the hoax started with French video gamers trying to start a "trending topic" -- one of the most talked about topics of the day -- on Twitter. They used the hashtag, or keyword, "#ImpactFrance, " to fuel the rumour. While they may not have reached their goal, the hoax gained enough tweets during the weekend to reach nearly one million pairs of eyeballs on Twitter. One user tweeted in English, presumably tongue in cheek: "I will leave France and go to Austria. " Many others, referring to a research centre in the US state of Arizona, tweeted: "According to the Catalina Sky Survey, 2013 TX68 Asteroid may hit Earth on French territory. " Some tweeted maps purportedly showing the asteroid's trajectory and the area of its expected impact -- saying that the meteorite's residue would shower debris as far as north Africa.

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South sudan jobs opportunities 2013 tx68 2018

Agribriefing Ltd Published on May 23, 2013 Farmers Guardian Classifieds May 24th 2013 Published on May 23, 2013 Farmers Guardian Classifieds May 24th 2013 farmersguardian

It's an aberration, " Bouley said. This outcropping – upward of a billion billion tonnes in weight – was so huge it caused Mars' top two layers, the crust and the mantle, to swivel around, like the skin and flesh of a peach shifting in relation to its pit. Already in 2010, a theoretical study showed that if the Tharsis dome were removed from Mars, the planet would shift on its axis. Bouley and colleagues matched these computer models with simulations and observations – their own and those of other scientists. Many things on Mars that begged explanation suddenly make sense in light of the new paradigm, said Bouley. "Scientists couldn't figure out why the [dried up] rivers were where they are. The positioning seemed arbitrary, " Bouley said. "But if you take into account the shift in the surface, they all line up on the same tropical band. " Likewise the huge underground reservoirs of frozen water ice that should be closer to the poles. Once upon a time, we now know, they were. The new theory also explains why the Tharsis dome is situated on the "new" equator, exactly where it would need to be for the planet to regain its equilibrium.

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